Sunday 6 October 2013

Finally, some sort of progress?

"Jig 'ole titties".
Yes yes, I am still here.

As you might've noticed, I am still working on this very blog here, minor changes every now and then. I am mainly just trying to make a working format for myself which is simular to but not a heap of garbage like that old site used to be, you know, for future reference.

I think I am finally getting the hang of this blogging, so now I just need to sort out all of my pictures and videos again and I should be good to go once again.

Also, there is a new video still underway, progress is just wayyyyy slower than I hoped to be, trying out new shit 'n all, you know.

If it wouldn't be too much to ask, if you've read this could you leave a comment below? It would be nice to know if people are actually paying attention to this blog and not just my youtube channel.
I can't really trust the pageviews number on here.


  1. I read it! Although I hardly knew about this site until a few days ago. Saw the address on the returning video from your youtube channel.

  2. im here patiently waiting whats in store =)

  3. Good to see things are getting up and running again :) looking forward to your new video!

  4. Yup always checking in for anything new, atleast you gave us info on what your doing and a bit of hope :)

  5. Been checking in frequently. Hope things go well.

  6. Thanks for the replies people. It'll take a while before I have everything set into place, so bare with me.

    More updates coming soon, I'll try to stick to it this time.
